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With this release we are happy to announce that we fully support the latest version of the Salesforce.com API (the winter 2015 release, API version 32.0).
Salesforce has introduced a new data type a couple of API versions back, and in the last API version also started to use that new data type more. The data type is called "Compound" data type and is used to group together all fields that has to do with an address or the geolocation fields (longitude and lattitude). The new data type can only be read (not written) and delivers in API version 32.0 a XML coded list of the corresponding fields. From an integration point of view, the new data type is not so interesting as you still have access to all the e.g. address fields and you need to use these if you want to update SFDC anyway.
The new type can however be used to transfer an entire address into a text or description field and get a quick overview of what that address contains. In RapidiOnline we have chosen to compose a long text string as result of reading the compound field. The text string will contain labels and values for all the parts of the address that actually have values.
I'm sure that Salesforce plans to use this field type more in the future and so it might become more interesting to use the field type in relation to integration with SFDC later.
RapidiOnline is not by default using the latest SFDC API version, but rather still using API version 29.0 - if you need to access or integrate with objects added in the latest API version, please ask our support to enable that API version for your service (this can very easily be done on our side).
To use these features, we also need to upgrade your central service to version 3.2.90n or later.
Michael Bock, Founder & CEO
VIDEO: MyRapidi Product Update Webinar February 2022
Improved Error Handling with Salesforce.com (Version ...
Support for Documents and Attachments in Salesforce ...
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