Salesforce - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Integration

Integrate Salesforce  and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central quickly and easily

Integrating your Salesforce CRM (for example Sales Cloud or Marketing Cloud) with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP system is a quick and simple process with Rapidi. Our data integration solution can help you integrate Salesforce with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central applications - whether its Business Central Online or on-premise deployment.

Our pre-configured templates are ready to be implemented as they stand. They can also be customized to meet exact specifications, without the need for programming. Any Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration project is easily managed with minimal disruption to your business. Regardless of scope or scale. 

"A lot of other systems we looked at required a lot more custom planning in order to get the data synced properly. Anything that we can get off-the-shelf, that runs and that needs as little attention of our time, is really ideal. We really need to have robust systems that integrate directly and that don't need a lot of care and maintenance on our end and can run autonomously."

Eric Clay, Information Technology Director, The Ken Blanchard Companies

Why integrate Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 BUSINESS CENTRAL?

Without an automated integration between Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Salesforce, you’re almost certainly carrying out lots of informal, manual integrations. Your sales teams look things up in both systems and transfer data between the two.
Any time you do something manually you risk making mistakes. This can result in poor customer engagement and inefficient business processes. But syncing Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central it will help you optimize your finance, sales, and marketing processes. From sales quote to order, order fulfillment, and payment. 

That’s why an automated integration between Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central can:

  • Save you time.
  • Save you money.
  • Help your business grow.

Our Rapidi cloud data integration solution supports all versions of Salesforce (enterprise edition, professional edition as well as unlimited). It also supports both the cloud-based and the on-premise deployment of Dynamics 365 Business Central all versions.

Do you have an earlier version of Dynamics 365 such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV? No problem, Rapidi supports that as well. Learn more about our Salesforce - Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP integration solution


Develop workflows that integrate your CRM and ERP systems, streamlining accounting data management and enhancing revenue recognition processes. With Rapidi, effortlessly connect Dynamics 365 Business Central with Salesforce for consistently updated and accurate organizational data.

Discover why this integration transforms data-centric organizations:

  1. Optimize Sales Workflows: The bidirectional link between Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Salesforce simplifies processes for sales managers. They no longer need to switch between multiple systems to verify data repeatedly. Sales has all the needed data available in their Salesforce, including the history of each account giving them a 360 degree overview.
  2. Reduce Error-Related Costs: Fragmented data and manual input are major sources of not efficient work routines and financial discrepancies. Integrating Salesforce with MS Dynamics 365 Business Central allows you to consolidate reports, offering a unified view of your business data and reducing the likelihood of errors.
  3. Adapt to Dynamic Changes: Disconnected data can severely impede organizational productivity. Synchronize your Salesforce CRM with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central to filter out obsolete information and focus on relevant data for making well-informed decisions.
Concerned About Implementation Complexity? With Rapidi's intuitive, no-code templates, integrating Salesforce and MS Dynamics 365 Business Central is a breeze. These tools simplify the process, ensuring you don't need specialized knowledge in data automation to effectively merge these platforms.


Salesforce - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Rapidi integrates Salesforce with Microsoft Dynamics 365 using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web Services or OData. Rapidi supports both the reading and writing of data (insert and update) using OData. We can also read data directly from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 SQL database. This can be a faster solution if the database is on-premise or on Microsoft Azure.

"The best thing about RapidiOnline is that it is very simple - it just works. And when we need help or advice, the Rapidi Consultants are always there for us. They not only know their own product, but they are also experts on both Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics as well.."

Tom Hallbeck, Director of Operations, Varitronics

No-programming data integration

Take a quick video tour of Rapidi's Microsoft Dynamics 365 & Salesforce connector.

See how easily we can get your Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central working together, sharing your data and improving your business performance.


eBook data integration handbook


Your business is 10 steps away from perfectly integrated data systems. Learn about key preparation, best practise and more in our data integration handbook.


Salesforce-Microsoft-Dynamics-365-Business-Central-integration solution


This comprehensive guide tells you everything you need to know about integrating Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and the benefits you can expect to see



Rapidi integration solution maximizes operational efficiency and revenue potential by making all data available across your two primary systems; the CRM and ERP. There is no programming involved. You’ll be up and running with staff fully trained in just a few days.

Using highly advanced connection technology, the integration is secure and no changes to legacy systems are required. All data is compressed and encrypted resulting in incredibly efficient, fast and safe data transfer that requires minimal bandwidth.

“RapidiOnline is very flexible and covers data integration to many different systems, but is especially strong when integrating to the Microsoft Dynamics Product Suite.”

Morten Gad, Technical Consultant at C2


    Any company struggling to use data
    You want a solution that works 'out-of-the-box' where changes do not need programming
    You want a data integration solution that works quickly, without disrupting your business
    You want your systems integrated, updated, synced and secure
    You want to use a data integration specialist, with a great track record of helping businesses like yours
    Your business is poised for growth and you know integrated data will help you achieve your goals



For more than 25 years, Rapidi has improved data integration technologies for businesses all over the world, helping them perform better.

Rapidi is our programming-free solution that makes data integration simpler and faster than ever.

Technology experts
Top industry experts and talents created Rapidi and continue to the development on it
Built to solve problems
Rapidi offers a simple solution to complex issues
Digital visionaries
Rapidi was the first data integration platform of its kind
Best customer care
97% satisfaction rate from our customers and hundreds of 5-star ratings
Making business better
Rapidi service supports, maintains and updates systems securely
Constant development
Rapidi developers constantly work for even faster, simpler solutions