Fix for MS Dynamics NAV overflow in BCD 2 Str (version 3.2.90h)

By Michael Bock, Founder & CEO - September 30, 2014

When integrating with Microsoft Dynamics NAV and reading Decimal fields from NAV you could in some rare situations get an error saying "overflow in BCD_2_Str" from the NAV connector.

The problem is related to Decimal fields that appears as 0 inside NAV (are rounded to 0 for display), but have in fact a very small value (like 0.0000000...001). When trying to convert these numbers to a String, we got the error.

We now have larger buffers for the conversion and can also handle these very small values.

Please upgrade your RapidiConnector to version 3.2.90h to solve this issue.





About the author

Michael Bock, Founder & CEO

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Michael founded Rapidi on technological excellence, fantastic customer service and continuous improvement. A data integration specialist since 1987, he remains focused on creating technology that solves real business problems.