Fix when using NAV with timestamp as SourceControl (version 3.2.89d)

By Michael Bock, Founder & CEO - August 07, 2014

When using RapidiOnline to read from MS Dynamics NAV (on SQL server) and using timestamp as SourceControl and when a field of type Decimal is part of the primary key on the table, then you could get an error as follows:

E2096 - ECE_ServerReturnedError: The remote DataBackbone server returned the following error: An unknown error occured on the server side, please try again.

In the local trace file from the RapidiConnector for NAV, you would get an error saying "Numeric value out of range".

We were not handling BCD (decimal) fields part of the Key correctly after introducing the DCDecimal field type (a new more precise internal way of handling Decimal fields from NAV, AX and MS-SQL in general). This have now been fixed. You need to upgrade the local RapidiConnectors for NAV to version 3.2.89d or later to fix the problem.

More information about using SourceControl.

version 3.2.89d (06-08-2014)

About the author

Michael Bock, Founder & CEO

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Michael founded Rapidi on technological excellence, fantastic customer service and continuous improvement. A data integration specialist since 1987, he remains focused on creating technology that solves real business problems.